Fleece throw.

*catching up on 3/20/13*

Today was a difficult day. An emotional mindfuck. My friend Alison came over early in the morning because she was feeling sick and anxious. Deana talked with her and made her food and we both helped out watching her son. Midday, we took Alison home because she was really bad, and on the drive back she got the call from the hospital that her bloodwork was alarming and she needed to immediately go to the hospital. A friend drove her, and another watched her son. I had to leave because we were headed to an afternoon birthday celebration for my mother.

Later that afternoon we were told that Alison had mono and Lyme. Phew. On Monday we find out that she actually has Leukemia. Ugh.

She’s now in the city, starting a 4-6 intensive chemotherapy program in hopes of knocking this thing out of her system. The community here in Beacon has been incredibly supportive of her and her family, and after a week of devastating sadness, the long road to wellness begins.

I guess this throw represents something warm, comforting and fuzzy to help ease the pain of cancer.